Extreme green infrastructure analysis at Western Sydney University

Here is a few videos to help explain what we are trying to achieve.

A simple and cost effective vegetative roof is finely monitored every 15 seconds in all types of weather and compared to a non vegetated roof. Scientific monitoring equipment and the web provides every available condition. I would call it Extreme green roof analysis. Reporting has been requested and supported by a number of Government agencies and is supervised by Professour Ataur Rahmon and Dr Alim at WSU.

The research aims to show a new way to provide storm water detention via your vegetated roof. We also provide useful information on a reduction of the heat island effect with vegetated roofs.

Purple roof is a vegetated roof with a difference. The design enables true storm water detention which means you can dispense with your normal detention tank costs and save this space. In place you will receive a vegetated roof with all the benefits of reducing heat, saving energy costs, reducing carbon emissions, increasing biodiversity and aesthetics.

Evolvement Pty Ltd has built the Purple vegetated roof research project in conjunction with Green Roof Diagnostics from the USA.

Generous funding was received from sponsors including Sydney Water, Western Sydney University, Knauf Insulation, Sustainability Workshop and Blacktown Council.

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